I went back to school this fall.
It has been a stimulating challenge.
After 14 years since I graduated from my undergrad in
I was ready for the challenge of a Masters degree.
(thanks to the helpful nudge suggestion from André:
Me to André: talk to me about something!
André, in the midst of many deadlines: what do you want to talk about?
Me: something interesting! Go!
André: I don't know what to talk about right now
Me: you're SO boring!
*after weeks of hearing me say this...*
André: maybe YOU'RE the boring one! I think it's about time you take a course
Me: *gasp!*
I was shocked! but he was right!)
After many years of research and discussions with some great people (including the most recent above discussion with André), I decided on the
program at
I took a bit of a leap of faith into school and began my studies.
Just when doubt began to creep into my honeymoon stage,
this arrived in the mail...
An entire issue of the Journal of Ontario Association of Architects dedicated to Architecture and Music.
It was one of those perfect moments where everything felt right.
After journeying with André for over 10 years of education, between his undergrad, masters and architecture internship, I have most certainly been influenced by his studies.
Seeing this issue validated my decision to go back to school and
my everyday life and marriage of
music & architecture.
(André has also noted that I no longer tell him that he's boring.)
Oh! I'm also now blogging on "Edublogs" as part of my research and classwork. If you're feeling bored, head over to my blog there. I'll be posting a lot of my research discoveries there:
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