Monday, June 30, 2014

Take Time to Reflect

Remember that message that comes up at the heightened moment of a T.V. show or website?....

"We are currently experiencing technical difficulties. 
Our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause."

That's the message that I feel I owe all of you who have been reading the story of my car accident and have been stuck in the ambulance with me.

Allow me to explain what has been going on...

TECHNICALLY, I didn't expect to re-live my story emotionally which manifested physically. Muscles painfully tensed and ached, anxiety overwhelmed me (via panic attacks) and disturbed sleep exhausted me. Wow! What a shock for me and my system. Nevertheless, an important learning curve.

TECHNICALLY, I needed some healing time. I sought out massage therapy for the first time since my car accident (I wish I did that a lot sooner!) and I did a lot of self-talk and reflection about how I am a survivor of a serious traumatic experience and how I'm O.K. now. I'm no longer in the throws of trauma. My husband and close friends have been incredible sounding boards during this time. I'm in love with them.

TECHNICALLY, I've had some wonderful visits from overseas family which was also incredibly healing. I love my New Zealand and Australia family members too. Our feelings run deep for each other (they've known me since my birth in New Zealand) and they soothed my aching wounds with their unconditional love.

TECHNICALLY, I've been involved in some fun and engaging community projects that allowed me to remember that I'm a grown and capable women (vs.trapped in a hospital bed) with an exciting present and future.

TECHNICALLY, my family is going through some exciting life changes that I look forward to sharing with you a little later.

TECHNICALLY, I'm on the hunt for some incredible material from my hospital days that I know you'll want to see. It involves pictures and other memorabilia related to my hospital stay.

TECHNICALLY, I had no idea what re-telling this story would do to me and how long it would take to tell you. This may take some unknown amount of time to tell and you may experience similar technical difficulties in the future.

TECHNICALLY, I know you'll love what's coming and want to come back.

HOWEVER, I'm very much enjoying the journey and having you along with me certainly makes this journey a lot lighter. Thanks for being there and sharing this with me.

"To be continued..."


  1. Daisy, Can I share this on my facebook wall? I know some folks who could benefit from reading your story. Sending Love, Peace and hugs!

    1. Hi Kandace! Sorry for late reply. You're very welcome to share my story. Thanks so much!
