Friday, October 31, 2014

Scary Throwback

Time flies when you're having fun, 
it's scary how fast.

Our oldest is almost 13 years old.
He's handing out candy instead of going out for Halloween this year.
When my kids were babies, everyone said,

"enjoy every minute as it goes by so fast."

Those sleepless nights seemed to prove them wrong

but those people were right.

Here's a walk down our Halloween Lane...

You will notice a strong theme as the years go by.

My André is the Halloween Master!

Halloween is a great time for full sensory discovery.

For me, it was a fabulous Educational exploration. I LOVED watching the kids take it all in.

Yvon's bus (which opened at the front to collect candy) was whipped up by André.
It's a memory fave as Yvon was pretty stoked to collect his candy.
Did you notice my Canadian Olympian?
André won a few Gold medals in making Halloween happen in our house!

To be honest, Halloween stresses me right out.

What will everyone wear?
The pumpkins, the mess, the clean-up, the costumes,
the candy, the tantrums (take a close-up of Melaia in-between the piano pics above),
the sugar rushes, the craziness.

We have three Halloween traditions in my home:

#1. I threaten to cancel Halloween
#2. André makes Halloween happen 
#3. I fall in Love with my husband & Halloween every year.

The kids have a blast.
The whole community comes alive & comes together in pure fun.
Memories are made & cherished.

I hope you also had a most delightful Halloween celebration with your loved ones.

Don't cancel it. Enjoy the smiles & celebration of community!

Happy Halloween!